HMW signs

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change, I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

“Thanks Trump, for making me an Activist!”

“The Future is Nasty!”

“Liberty & Justice for ALL.”

“Keep your hands off the Lady Bits”

“All oppression is related!”

“Run girls, run–for office!

“Viva la Vulva!”

“You tried to bury us — we are seeds!”


Just a few of the inspiring signs at the Houston Women’s March (and one from Moscow, Idaho) — echoing sentiments expressed across around the globe in protest against the inauguration of Dontrump – and his agenda of exclusion and distortion.

His hallucinatory address painted a portrait of an unknown land that he kept calling “America” — a world of misery, division and joblessness, so unlike our own it felt confusing, and sad.  But, not our problem!  His installation has set off the backlash that can now lead to positive change.  If we stay woke.

What a relief and inspiration to see so many people in the streets, taking up their participatory role in democracy.  So smart and funny!!!!

The world is emerging from the recent darkness, to the realization that we only really lose when we stop participating.  Time to move past the gridlock, to positive change that benefits the 99%. America’s strength lies in our diversity, and in our ability to innovate, to harness the skills and talents of all races, genders, classes, sexualities & religions to invent the better future, not to turn back the clock.

Next step: INNOVATE !  and Build toward Progressive majorities in 2018.

To Start:

Get political in your home district & pledge to vote in the primaries & the general in 2018!

Work your friends and neighbors to do the same.

Talk to your leader-ly friends about running for office — and listen if they talk to you!

Join a service organization if you’re not already in one, and be an active force for good in your community, in small ways as well as big.

Find ways to be in touch with people outside your circle, regularly.  Connect.

Smile at people around you, known & unknown — share a sense of appreciation your community!

Fight sexist, racist oligarchy, wherever you see it.

Resistance is fertile!  Keep it growing…


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