State of Misogyny: Texas 2021

Misogyny — a Greek word that means contempt for women — is an economic strategy as well as a feeling. Denial of women’s rights long ensured that they do much essential work for free and without representation. That includes bearing and rearing the next generation of workers. Currently, the economic model here is one of desperation, with misogyny as the linchpin. But having an economy that rewards rather than exploits care would generate both prosperity and well-being for all.


What This Country Needs Is a Working Parents Administration & Pandemic Parenting Pay

As schools go online nationally amid a recession, the speeding high-unemployment and home-school trains are on a collision course, with working mothers, their families, and the economy set to be mowed down at the crossroads. Unless we switch tracks, quickly – with programs to directly address our needs that will also feed our economy: universal online tutoring and prorated pandemic parenting pay.


Are Women Full Citizens?: The Abortion Debate and the “Gifts” of Life and Poverty

Here’s a link to a new essay I was invited to contribute to an issue of NANO on Gift Economies. It explores the role that fertility plays in the way/s that women can participate in policy making in all levels


The Benefits of Later Motherhood: Pay Them Forward!

Here’s my post today on Janice D’Arcy’s Washington Post “On Parenting” blog: she asked me to respond to Nona Aronowitz’s WashPo op-ed on second-generation later motherhood and the effects on grand-parenting and elder care (the fallout to the fact that


Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life

Here’s a story on CBS Online HealthPop about some of the Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life – based on data from the new edition of READY, just out this week.


How Women (and Men) Can Have It All–Now

Here’s my entry at Daily Beast in this ongoing debate about America’s work/family misery. Looking past stating the problem to fixing it! We can do it! How Women (and Men) Can Have It All–Now Thanks to Anne-Marie Slaughter and The Atlantic for making the


Policy Talk Redux

The Real No-Brainer Fair Pay, Fertile Future Childcare as Infrastructure Remember Mama? Darn It! Recycling Frugality Slut Limbaugh Pushing Babies Ready or Not?
