How Women (and Men) Can Have It All–Now

Here’s my entry at Daily Beast in this ongoing debate about America’s work/family misery. Looking past stating the problem to fixing it! We can do it! How Women (and Men) Can Have It All–Now Thanks to Anne-Marie Slaughter and The Atlantic for making the


A Dose of Pro-Natalism for Mother’s Day: What’s Up with That?

Pronatalism (basically, promoting more births) serves a variety of purposes, which you may variously like or not – but be on the look out in the coming months for texts that claim to be pushing babies on you for your benefit. There may be other logics at work and groups seeking to benefit as well.


Helen of Troy: Some of Women’s History Should Stay That Way

March is women’s history month, but this year we’re getting a special kind of history lesson. The anti-woman agenda being ram-rodded through legislatures this term is ancient. At least since Helen of Troy, our leaders have been actively denying women the right to choose how to run their private lives.
