Room for Debate on Delay

The NY Times‘ Room for Debate online forum asked “Should women delay motherhood?” That’s a problematic question, presuming that “experts” know what women “should” do better than they do themselves. Here’s my reply along with those of six others: A Delay


Old = Dirty? (A Commentary on the UK’s ‘First Response’ Younger Motherhood Campaign)

One of the nice things about being an older mom is the friendly comments you get: just this morning a 29-year old I’d just met remarked apropos of nothing in particular that I didn’t look 55. She hoped she’d look


Aging Sperm? Not the End of the World

While female infertility is old news (literally), issues with male fertility create a new cultural frisson. [This piece first appeared on RH Reality Check and later on Huffington Post] WBUR On Point panel on this topic: Shulevitz, Gregory, Aronowitz. Judith Shulevitz’s recent New Republic essay on


Delayed Parenting Upends Society – Positively

This past week I participated in two radio panels with Judith Schulevitz, whose recent New Republic essay spawned a lot of media response.  I have to say I’m getting less and less impressed with the world of media response–since it


Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life

Here’s a story on CBS Online HealthPop about some of the Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life – based on data from the new edition of READY, just out this week.
