Population Plunge?

  Decline in Births Among Twentysomething Women, by Race This week the Urban Institute tackles the fertility question:  Will the birth rate drop among young women since the 2007 recession be made up by births to those same women when they’re


Old = Dirty? (A Commentary on the UK’s ‘First Response’ Younger Motherhood Campaign)

One of the nice things about being an older mom is the friendly comments you get: just this morning a 29-year old I’d just met remarked apropos of nothing in particular that I didn’t look 55. She hoped she’d look


Delayed Parenting Upends Society – Positively

This past week I participated in two radio panels with Judith Schulevitz, whose recent New Republic essay spawned a lot of media response.  I have to say I’m getting less and less impressed with the world of media response–since it


Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life

Here’s a story on CBS Online HealthPop about some of the Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life – based on data from the new edition of READY, just out this week.


A Dose of Pro-Natalism for Mother’s Day: What’s Up with That?

Pronatalism (basically, promoting more births) serves a variety of purposes, which you may variously like or not – but be on the look out in the coming months for texts that claim to be pushing babies on you for your benefit. There may be other logics at work and groups seeking to benefit as well.


Hutterite Fertility Data and Modern Fertility Anxiety

Part of the background to the current confusion about how long fertility lasts is the fact that there is very little good data. … The closest thing to a thoroughly controlled experiment of women’s fertility so far involved a Protestant religious sect called the Hutterites, pre-1950.
