Are Women Full Citizens?: The Abortion Debate and the “Gifts” of Life and Poverty

Here’s a link to a new essay I was invited to contribute to an issue of NANO on Gift Economies. It explores the role that fertility plays in the way/s that women can participate in policy making in all levels


New Era in Childbirth? Childcare Still Part of the Story.

Here’s an overview piece on current fertility research around later motherhood. Among the methods discussed, lab-grown eggs from stem cells (“Growing eggs in the lab like this would yield a great many eggs unaffected by age for older women trying


Lean ON: Expand the School Schedule & Raise GDP

My new piece on the Daily Beast makes two arguments: the current national school schedule forces women out of the work stream, and women can use the clout we’ve amassed to date to change things now. Though the mismatch of


Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life

Here’s a story on CBS Online HealthPop about some of the Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life – based on data from the new edition of READY, just out this week.
