Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life

Here’s a story on CBS Online HealthPop about some of the Common Myths about Having a Child Later in Life – based on data from the new edition of READY, just out this week.


Policy Talk Redux

The Real No-Brainer Fair Pay, Fertile Future Childcare as Infrastructure Remember Mama? Darn It! Recycling Frugality Slut Limbaugh Pushing Babies Ready or Not?


Free Birth Control – IOM Report

Should a citizen who doesn’t approve of birth control be understood to be funding the birth control of those who choose to use it — and therefore have a basis for objecting? Or should we understand that the many tax payments from those who approve of birth control for those who want it are those that are funding it, while the taxes of those who don’t approve of birth control are funding the costs associated with birthing and raising unplanned kids?
