Here’s a link to a new essay I was invited to contribute to an issue of NANO on Gift Economies. It explores the role that fertility plays in the way/s that women can participate in policy making in all levels
Here’s an overview piece on current fertility research around later motherhood. Among the methods discussed, lab-grown eggs from stem cells (“Growing eggs in the lab like this would yield a great many eggs unaffected by age for older women trying
Decline in Births Among Twentysomething Women, by Race This week the Urban Institute tackles the fertility question: Will the birth rate drop among young women since the 2007 recession be made up by births to those same women when they’re
Today I spoke with Craig Cohen on Houston Matters about synchronizing the school schedule to the work day, as part of a panel on year-round school. In May, Lisa Gray interviewed me for the Chronicle on related material. Both of those discussions grew out of
Here’s a lively summary of the last 50 years of change in the gendering of work & the recent lack of change in the rates of women’s participation in the paid work world, by sociologist and blogger Philip Cohen (
My new piece on the Daily Beast makes two arguments: the current national school schedule forces women out of the work stream, and women can use the clout we’ve amassed to date to change things now. Though the mismatch of
I have a story up on site about birthrates and childcare: here. The story was published with a confusing title, which was soon changed to the current title (same as here), so got some confused comments in response initially.