Decline in Births Among Twentysomething Women, by Race This week the Urban Institute tackles the fertility question: Will the birth rate drop among young women since the 2007 recession be made up by births to those same women when they’re
Today I spoke with Craig Cohen on Houston Matters about synchronizing the school schedule to the work day, as part of a panel on year-round school. In May, Lisa Gray interviewed me for the Chronicle on related material. Both of those discussions grew out of
Here’s my Point/Counterpoint piece on the Texas Equal Pay Act in this Saturday’s Houston Chronicle. Equal pay helps both workers, employers This year’s elections are all about pay equity. At both federal and state levels, the debates may have different
Here’s a lively summary of the last 50 years of change in the gendering of work & the recent lack of change in the rates of women’s participation in the paid work world, by sociologist and blogger Philip Cohen (
My new piece on the Daily Beast makes two arguments: the current national school schedule forces women out of the work stream, and women can use the clout we’ve amassed to date to change things now. Though the mismatch of
Today is Women’s Equality Day – the 93rd anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment to the US constitution. My op-ed in today’s Houston Chronicle. How about full equity by the 100th anniversary in 2020? Women’s suffrage Texas-style Ninety-three
This week’s hullabaloo in the world of women’s work is Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In. It’s pretty clear to all that progress in that field requires a combination of policy change and women stepping up and giving their all to get